
Software Design & Development Glossary

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Base Class
In object-oriented programming, a base class serves as the foundation or starting point for the creation of other classes.

It is a class that is designed to be inherited by other classes, providing a set of common attributes and methods that can be reused by its subclasses.

The base class typically contains general functionality that is common to all subclasses, allowing developers to avoid duplicating code and promoting code reusability.

By defining a base class, developers can establish a hierarchy of classes that share common characteristics, while still allowing for customization and specialization in the subclasses. One key feature of a base class is that it can be extended or overridden by its subclasses.

This means that subclasses can add new functionality or modify existing functionality inherited from the base class.

This flexibility allows developers to create classes that are tailored to specific requirements, while still benefiting from the shared functionality provided by the base class. Overall, base classes play a crucial role in object-oriented programming by promoting code reusability, simplifying code maintenance, and enabling developers to create well-structured and scalable applications.

By understanding the concept of base classes and how they are used in software development, developers can leverage this powerful tool to create more efficient and maintainable code.

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