
Software Design & Development Glossary

These days there’s an acronym for everything. Explore our software design & development glossary to find a definition for those pesky industry terms.

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What Is Application Binary Interface Abi
An Application Binary Interface (ABI) is a set of rules and conventions that dictate how software components interact with each other at the binary level.

In simpler terms, an ABI defines how different parts of a software system communicate with each other, ensuring that programs written in different languages or running on different platforms can work together seamlessly. The ABI specifies things like the format of data structures, the calling conventions for functions, and the layout of memory, among other things.

By adhering to a common ABI, developers can ensure that their code will work correctly across different systems and environments, without having to worry about the underlying hardware or software details. In the world of software development, ABIs play a crucial role in enabling interoperability between different programs and systems.

They provide a standardized way for software components to communicate with each other, making it easier for developers to build complex applications that can run on a variety of platforms. Overall, understanding and adhering to the ABI is essential for software developers who want to ensure that their code is portable, maintainable, and compatible with other software components.

By following ABI guidelines, developers can create robust and reliable software that can be easily integrated into larger systems, leading to more efficient and effective software development processes.

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