Product Design Services

Create successful & usable products thanks to impeccable UX & UI design services


Product design services make your product visually appealing, accessible for your users, and enable you to fulfill your business goals.

Why do you need Product Design Services?

Learn more about our Process

Create web or mobile app from scratch

Use the best UX & UI practices to attract and retain your users

Improve your market-fit

Validate your app idea and determine straight road to fulfilling your users’ needs

Cut down development costs

Make more research-based development decisions thanks to testing your product on the design level

Improve conversion rate

Thought-through design decisions convert your dropping leads into paying customers

Make your brand consistent

Consistent visual identity and design makes your brand more credible and trustworthy for your clients

Make your design scalable

Design Systems make scaling your product quicker and cheaper

In a saturated market it's not enough to offer a solution to your users' problem. You need to deliver it in a user-friendly and understandable way.

Product Design Services Dark Mode

EL Passion’s mindful UX decisions and UI design skills helped us simplify the overall Hyphen experience. Their work proved to be instrumental in our acquisition by Betterworks, an award-winning enterprise performance management solution.

Arnaud Grunwald


Founder at Hyphen, now Chief Strategy Officer at Betterworks

Product Design Services

Our Design Process

In a highly saturated market, good design can bring you competitive advantage.

Design Strategy & Product Design Workshop


User Experience Design


Development & Testing

User Interface Design

Working with EL Passion means

Continuous delivery & Agile approach

with a deliverable ready after each sprint

Continual communication

between designers, developers, and the client to deliver the best product possible.

Human-centered design decisions

focused on meeting the needs of both, your business and your users.

Design decisions based on research and design methodologies

to deliver the best experience for your users, and the best results for your business.

Companies that trusted us


Your go-to for all Product Design questions.

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Product Design describes a process of identifying a market opportunity, defining the problem people have, creating a possible solution to defeat the problem, and iterating to create the best product possible.

The core value behind Product Design is understanding your end-user and customer. Product Design utilizes a variety of tools and methodologies to solve real problems for real people, by using both empathy, and research on their prospective users’ needs, wants, habits etc.

Design has become one of the key factors of customer satisfaction. In a saturated market of digital products, regardless of the industry, people are getting used to certain product quality, accessibility and services’ usability. Meeting the design standards and best practices can help boost your retention and engagement levels, but also improve conversion rates.

Product design strategy is there to help you create the best digital product possible, taking into account all kinds of constraints (business, technological, environmental etc) and possibilities. Product design strategy is an interplay between design, technology, and business. It is there to understand the problem, and the opportunity to solve it, and define the market-ready product.

Prototyping and wireframing versions and alternatives of your digital product is much cheaper than actually coding it. By cooperating with the Design team you can explore different functionalities and product directions. A UX Designer can assist you and advise you on how to approach the customer's journey, different app screens so they benefit your business, but are also user-friendly and accessible. Your choices will be better thought through, long-lasting, and the development process more seamless.

Good design decisions improve your conversion rate. If the information architecture or the flow on your website or app are not straightforward, the user is likely to abandon your service with no intention of going back. People are used to products with good user experience, it’s no longer a nice-to-have, it’s your competitive advantage, especially in a market so saturated as the market of digital products.

Maybe it’s the beginning of a beautiful friendship?

We’re available for new projects.

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